(Virtual) 3rd International Meeting on Geometric Group Theory and Low Dimensional Topology

Date: November 3 and 4, 2022

Organizers: Stephan Rosebrock and Jens Harlander

The meeting focusses on homotopy theory in low dimensions and combinatorial and geometric group theory. The first meeting took place in February, 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since then there is a strong collaboration between working groups in Argentina, Germany, the UK, and USA, which is continued by this meeting.

If you wish to participate in the meeting and listen to the talks, please let us know by email and provide your name, affiliation and email address.

The meeting will work via Cisco Webex. You will receive a link to log in two days in advance. No software installation will be necessary. We also provide a "Homotopy Cafe", where we can meet apart from the talks. You will receive a link of this also.

Jens Harlander, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, USA

Stephan Rosebrock, Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany


Invited Talks

Macarena Arenas          A cubical Rips construction

Jonathan Barmak          On the metabelianization of Burnside groups

Agustin Barreto             On the asphericity of some classes of LOTs of diameter 4

Martin Blufstein         Parabolic subgroups of Artin groups

Ximena Fernandez    Morse theory for group presentations

Wajid Mannan             An exotic presentation of Q_28

Gabriel Minian                I-test and LOTs

John Nicholson       Wall's problems on 2-complexes, some progress and new directions

Gerald Williams       Generalized polygons and star graphs of cyclic presentations of groups

Abstracts of the Talks and Schedule

Slides and materials



Macarena Arenas
Jonathan Barmak
Agustin Barreto
Gokhan Benli
Martin Blufstein
Bill Bogley
Martin Edjvet
Islam Foniqi
Cynthia Hog-Angeloni
Günther Huck
Jens Harlander
Ximena Fernandez
Martin Lustig
Wajid Mannan
Kirk McDermott
Gabriel Minian
John Nicholson
Anil Özdemir
Kevin Piterman
Dale Rolfsen
Stephan Rosebrock
Layla Sorkatti
Ignat Soroko
Gerald Williams

Letzte Änderung: 04.11.2022