Hochschulöffentlicher Vortrag von Dr. Eric Ekembe: „Pathways to undoing epistemic injustice in education“ am Montag, den 10. Juli 2023

Im Rahmen der Internationalisierung der PHKA lädt das Fach Englisch zum hochschulöffentlichen Gastvortrag von Dr. Eric Ekembe zum Thema „Pathways to undoing epistemic injustice in education“ ein. In seinem Vortrag stellt Dr. Ekembe seine Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Gebiet Postcolonialism und Decoloniality vor und liefert damit Denkanstöße, die eigenen Bildungsstrukturen und Herangehensweisen an knowledges production zu überprüfen.

Der Vortrag findet am 10.07.2023 um 16.15 Uhr im Raum 3.111 statt; anschließend gibt es Gelegenheit zur Diskussion.

Zur Person

Eric Ekembe holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon, and is senior lecturer at the Higher Teacher Training College, Yaounde. He runs CAMELTA Research Group and is the outreach coordinator of the IATEFL ReSIG. He is a TransformELT Consultant and a member of the steering committee of the International Festival of Teacher Research. At the recent 2023 IATEFL Conference, he presented and was a panelist on the ReSIG Open Day together with Isabel Martin. He has delivered online webinars for the British Council Professional Development Webinar series. His research interest is postcolonial discourse and Decoloniality in English Language Teaching. He has published research articles in international journals and is co-editor of Interdisciplinarity in the 21st Century Global Dispensation: Research in Language, Literature, & Education in Africa (Nova Pub, USA) and lead editor of Interface between English Language Education Policies and Practice: Examples from Various Contexts (Palgrave Mcmillan UK). eric.ekembe(at)yahoo.com