Charlotte Haskins

Charlotte Haskins

Tätigkeit und Arbeitsschwerpunkte

I have been working at the University of Education Karlsruhe since SS 2014 and have taught the following courses:

for the English department:

  • Gothic Literature

  • Language Skills 

  • Linguistics for the Classroom

  • Literary Studies 1

  • Literary Studies / Literary and Cultural Studies

  • Oral Proficiency for C1 Level


for other departments:

  • Administrative English

  • Developing English Language Skills

  • English Language Skills (preparing for a stay abroad)

Forschungsgebiete und Interessen

I teach students how to teach English as a second language, technical English and business/administrative English. 

My interests include gothic literature, creative writing and English conversation. 

Ausgewählte Publikationen

- Haskins, Charlotte (2020). "The Eternal Companion - Vampires in the EFL Classroom." In: Ludwig, Christian & Elizabeth Shipley (eds.). Mapping the Imaginative: Teaching Fantasy and Science Fiction in the EFL Classroom, Vol. 2. Heidelberg: Winterverlag.Oktober 2020


- Haskins, Charlotte (2021) "Aaargh, there's a ghost at the door! Niveaudifferenziert einen kurzen Comic erstellen." Englisch 5 - 10. 54 (2): 4-6.


Letzte Änderung: 14.01.2024
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