Dr. Elizabeth Shipley
Research and Teaching Interests:
- Fantasy and Science Fiction
- Writing and Creative Writing
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Anglo-European/American Literature
- Native American Studies
- Irish Studies
- Transcendentalism and Utopian Visions
- Henry James and the American in Europe
- Tertiary Language Teaching in EFL
16 January 2021: "Creative Science-Fiction and Fantasy Writing in the ELT Classroom"
(with Christian Ludwig)
Symposium: "Born-digital Texts in the Foreign Language Classroom"
University of Hertfordshire (online)
06 December 2018 "Worlding Gender in Ursula K Le Guin and Ann Leckie"
Conference: "Worlding SF: Building, Inhabiting, and Understanding
Science Fiction Universes"
Institute of American Studies, University of Graz
13 October 2017 "What is a human being, then? — Teaching Posthuman Comics in the EFL-Classroom"
(with Christian Ludwig)
GMF,University of Würzburg
16 November 2012 “Engendering the Posthuman: Using Science Fiction in the EFL
Classroom to Explore Gender”
Forschungstag Gender, Karlsruhe University of Education
26 September 2006 “Freewriting in the EFL Classroom”
17. Bundestagung der FremdsprachenlehrerInnen an deutschen
Hochschulen (BUTA), Springe
25 February 2006 “Science Fiction: A Productive Field for Gender Studies“
Gender Studies and Foreign Language Teaching (DFG), University of Jena
20 September 2004 „Fehlerfrei oder komplex—ein Drahtseilakt beim Schreiben“ (with Susan Duncombe)
15. Bundestagung der FremdsprachenlehreInnen an deutschen Hochschulen (BUTA)
Fachhochschule Neu-Ulm
27 February 2004 "'World Settings': An EFL/Geography Internet Project"
(with Adriana Saglio de Simonis)
AKS, University of Potsdam
15 September 2002 “Die Verwendung von Focussed Correction Areas für Schreibfertigkeiten im Fremdsprachenunterricht“ (with Cynthia Kapcoe)
13. Bundestagung der HochschullektorInnen für Fremdsprachen, Fachhochschule Bonn-Sieg
03 September 2002 "Post-Gender Realities and the Virtual Classroom“
European Society for the Study of English (ESSE 6), University of Strasbourg
06 October 2001 "'Are we doing this for those damn Germans again?' Cultural-Studies Pedagogy and the Virtual Classroom"
19. Fremdsprachendidaktikerkongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung, Technical University of Dresden
11 March 2001 "Engendering Narrative in the Virtual Classroom" (with Jonathan Shipley)
"Narrative: An International Conference"
Society for the Study of Narrative Literature, Rice University, Houston
03 January 2001 "Gender Perspectives of Le Guin's 'Winter's King'"
Fort Worth Country Day School, Fort Worth
11 November 2000 "Science Fiction of Other-Genderedness in the EFL Classroom" "The Nature of Gender – The Gender of Nature":
5. interdisziplinäres und internationales Symposion zur Geschlechterforschung, University of Kiel
14 June 2000 "Gender-Aspekte eines 'studenten-orientierten Kurswechsels'" (with Renate Haas)
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien
Technical University of Dresden
20 September 1999 "Kreatives Schreiben im Fremdsprachenunterricht"
10. Bundestagung der HochschullektorInnen für Fremdsprachen,Wolfenbüttel
17 September 1999 "Michael Dorris, Yellow Raft in Blue Water"
Landestagung des Fachverbandes Moderne Fremdsprachen
Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät, University of Kiel
Edited Books
Ludwig, Christian & Elizabeth Shipley (eds.) (2020). Mapping the Imaginative: Teaching Fantasy and
Science Fiction in the EFL Classroom I. Heidelberg: Winter.
Ludwig, Christian & Elizabeth Shipley (eds.) (2020). Mapping the Imaginative: Teaching Fantasy and
Science Fiction in the EFL Classroom II. Heidelberg: Winter.
Ludwig, Christian & Elizabeth Shipley (2020). "Mapping the Field of Teaching Fantasy and Science
Fiction." In: Ludwig, Christian & Elizabeth Shipley (eds.). Mapping the Imaginative: Teaching
Fantasy and Science Fiction in the EFL Classroom I, 9-26. Heidelberg: Winter.
Ludwig, Christian & Elizabeth Shipley (2020). "Mapping the Field of Teaching Fantasy and Science
Fiction." In: Ludwig, Christian & Elizabeth Shipley (eds.). Mapping the Imaginative: Teaching
Fantasy and Science Fiction in the EFL Classroom II, 9-25. Heidelberg: Winter.
Shipley, Elizabeth (2020). "'nobody can explain a dragon' – Exploring the Nonhuman Other in Fantasy
Fiction in the EFL Classroom." In: Ludwig, Christian & Elizabeth Shipley (eds.). Mapping the
Imaginative: Teaching Fantasy and Science Fiction in the EFL Classroom II, 65-76.Heidelberg:
Ludwig, Christian & Elizabeth Shipley (2020). "Teaching Science Fiction and Fantasy at University –
A Tandem Classroom Project." In: Ludwig, Christian & Elizabeth Shipley (eds.). Mapping the
Imaginative: Teaching Fantasy and Science Fiction in the EFL Classroom II, 223-229.Heidelberg:
Ludwig, Christian & Elizabeth Shipley (2019). "Reading and Creating the Posthuman in the
Primary and Secondary EFL Classroom – Report of a Posthuman Teaching
Experiment with Graphic Novels, Children's Books and Visual Media." In: Bartosch, Roman &
Julia Hoydis (eds.). Teaching the Posthuman, 45-74.Heidelberg: Winter.
Shipley, Elizabeth (2018). "'She was probably male': Exploring Gender with Science Fiction in the EFL
Classroom." In: Eisenmann, Maria & Christian Ludwig (eds.). Queer Beats—Gender and
Literature in the EFL Classroom, 175-194. Berlin: Peter Lang.
Shipley, Elizabeth (2014). "Engendering the Posthuman: Using Science Fiction in the EFL Classroom to
Explore Gender." In: Treibel, Annette & Marianne Soff (eds.). Gender interdisziplinär, 211-217.
Karlsruhe: Helmesverlag Karlsruhe.
Shipley, Elizabeth (2007). "Science Fiction of Other-Genderedness in the EFL Classroom." In: Decke-
Cornill, Helene & Laurenz Volkmann (eds.). Gender Studies and Foreign Language Teaching,
227-242. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.
Shipley, Elizabeth & Adriana Saglio de Simonis (2005). "'World Settings': An EFL/Geography Internet
Project." In: Gebert, Doris (ed.). Innovation aus Tradition: Dokumentation der 23. Arbeitstagung
2004, 83-90. Bochum: AKS-Verlag.
Shipley, Elizabeth (2005). "Elise Richter (1865-1943): First Austrian Dozentin" (with Exceprts from a
Memoir on 'Education and Development' by Elise Richter, translated by Elizabeth Shipley). In:
Chance, Jane (ed.). Women Medievalists and the Academy, 79-90. Madison: University of
Wisconsin Press.
Shipley, Elizabeth (2003). "When Young Adults Write Young Adult Fiction: S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders."
In: Müller, Peter, Walter Kosack & Jürgen Kurtz (eds.). Fremdsprachen lehren und lernen: kpb 56,
75-82. Karlsruhe: Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe.
Elizabeth Shipley hails from Olds, Iowa City, Missouri Valley and Lake City, Iowa and Fort Worth, Texas, USA. She obtained her BA in English, Philosophy and Music at the University of Texas at Austin and her PhD in Comparative Literature of the turn of the 19th/20th century at the State University of New York at Buffalo (PhD thesis: "The Authority of Precision"), with research fellowships at the University of Paris and at the University of Bremen. From 1999 to 2000 she held a post-doctoral research position at the University of Kiel within the Hochschulsonderprogramm III project "Culture Studies und ihre Didaktik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Gender-Aspekten und interkultureller Kommunikation" (Renate Haas, dir.)
A full-time lecturer for language and literature in the English Department of the University of Education at Karlsruhe from 2001 until her retirement in 2014, she now continues to teach in the English Department and to do research in fantasy and science fiction. Her teaching career began with composition and "World Masterpieces" courses at the State University of New York at Buffalo as a teaching assistant and has included in over 40 subsequent years of teaching in Germany a broad spectrum of language and literature courses at the Universities of Bremen, Braunschweig, Hanover, Kiel and the PH Karlsruhe as well as EFL in adult education institutes at Bremen, Peine, Braunschweig and Karlsruhe.
Together with Bärbel Turner-Hill, she has been active in organizing PH poetry events (Poetry in the Garden, Sound and Silence) for over two decades. In 2016, the two of them joined Beate Laudenberg of the PH German Dept. and Peter Nick of the KIT Botany Dept., in putting on "Poetry Meets Botany", a Shakespeare in the KIT Botanical Gardens event in commemoration of 400 years of Shakespeare.
Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Dr. Elizabeth Shipley