Eirini Busack, M.A.
Institut für Mehrsprachigkeit- Educational Technology
- Educational effectiveness (e.g., Adaptive learning)
- Teacher training education
- Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL)
- Mobile-assisted Language Learning (MALL)
- E-Learning (e.g., OER)
- Immersive technologies
- Digital Citizenship
Aricles and chapters:
Busack, Ei. (2024). Learners’ Views on Digital Learning Path-based English Grammar Microlessons. In P. ilic (Ed.), Optimizing Education Through Micro-Lessons: Engaging and Adaptive Learning Strategies. IGI Global. Accessible at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377355739_Learners%27_Views_on_Digital_Learning_Path-Based_English_Grammar_Microlessons
Martin, I., Busack, Ei. & Stober, F. (2024). Media-didactic competence development in pre-service teacher education: Teaching English grammar through Learning Paths & Storytelling. In L. Ju Seong, Z. Di & G. M. Mingyue (Eds.),Technology and English language teaching in a changing world: A practical guide for teachers and teacher educators. Palgrave Macmillan.
Busack, Ei. (2023). Are digital learning paths sufficient for learning/practising English grammar?
Views of secondary school pupils. In B. Bédi, Y. Choubsaz, K. Friðriksdóttir, A. Gimeno-Sanz, S. Björg Vilhjálmsdóttir & S. Zahova (Eds.), CALL for all Languages - EUROCALL 2023 Short Papers. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, August 15-18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4995/EUROCALL2023.2023.16945.
Busack, Ei. (2023). THE POTENTIAL OF DIGITAL LEARNING PATHS FOR PROVIDING EQUITABLE CONDITIONS FOR LEARNING ENGLISH GRAMMAR. In E. A. Sheehan & M. Köhler (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Education (pp. 83-94). TIIKM Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17501/24246700.2023.10108.
Conference presentations:
Busack, Ei. (2023, November). Online practices for teaching English grammar in Higher Education: Combining the Flipped Classroom with Digital Learning Paths (DLPs). Paper presented at the WorldCALL Conference 2023, Chiang Mai.
Busack, Ei. (2023, August). Are digital learning paths sufficient for learning/practising English grammar? Views of secondary school pupils. Paper presented at the EuroCALL Conference 2023, Reykjavik.
Busack, Ei. (2023, August). The attitudes and expectations of secondary English learners towards Digital Learning Paths (DLPs). Paper presented at the 2nd World Conference on Foreign Language Education 2023, Oxford.
Busack, Ei., & Martin, I. (2023, March). Handling the needs of heterogeneous learners: The potential of Digital Learning Paths. Paper presented at the “DDFLC Diversity in the Digital Foreign Language Classroom” International Conference 2023, Ludwigsburg.
Busack, Ei., & Martin, I. (2023, March). The potential of digital learning paths for providing equitable conditions for learning English Grammar. Paper presented at the “9th International Conference on Education in the post-pandemic world” Conference 2023, Bangkok.
Martin, I., & Busack, Ei. (2022, November). Digital citizenship education and language teaching and
learning: Creating learning paths for the development of media didactic competencies of pre-service teachers. Paper presented at the "Digital Citizenship, Digital Wilds, and Language Learning & Teaching" International Conference 2022, Salzburg.
October 2023 - September 2024
M.Sc. in Immersive Technologies at the International Hellenic University, Greece
(online master's degree)
April 2022 - December 2023
Research assistant in the English Department - InDiKo project
September 2018 - July 2020
M.A. in "Computer-Assisted Language Learning" (CALL) at the Cyprus University of Technology in Limassol, Cyprus
(online master's degree)
September 2018 - November 2020
M.A. in "Specialised Translation" at the University of Roehampton in London, UK
September 2013 - January 2018
B.A. in "Education Sciences" at the Aegean University on Rhodes, Greece
Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Eirini Busack M.A.