Vortrag von Donna Chu: Unlearning Media Literacy

Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen unserer hybriden Veranstaltungsreihe statt. Ankündigungs- und Vortragsprache ist Englisch.

Mittwoch 03 Jul24
16:00 Uhr - 17:30 Uhr
Institut für Kunst der PHKA

Studio des ZIM und online (Zoom)

Abstract: In Media literacy has once again become a keyword, if not a buzzword, in debates about various emergent problems in the world. It is particularly notable in discussion centering on misinformation, cyberbullying and new communication technologies like AI and VR. It is not the first time media literacy is hailed as a solution or a quick fix to different problems, and it definitely will not be the last time. Since the early days of cinema, there have been numerous calls to enhance media literacy, and later also information literacy, new media literacy, digital literacy, social media literacy and so on and so forth. An intriguing question remains: does it work?

We will argue in this lecture that despite great efforts in advocacy and curriculum development, the prospect of media literacy in formal education settings is hardly encouraging. Factors hindering its wider acceptance and adoption, especially in the context of Hong Kong, will be reviewed. In view of the practical constraints educators in primary and secondary schools are facing, we assert that it is time to unlearn the ‘older’ version of media literacy. A ETC framework is proposed, emphasizing on the ecology, technology and care elements in designing updated and relevant education experience.  

Dr. Donna Chu, currently the director and associate professor of the School of Journalism and Communication in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, has been an enthusiast in media education for decades. In addition to research in youth culture in digital and social media, she founded a social enterprise Mars Media Academy in 2017, which designs and implements educational programmes in media and information literacy targeting primary and secondary school students in Hong Kong. (https://www.com.cuhk.edu.hk/peoples/chu-donna-s-c-2/)

The lecture is part of Global Care Lab, and will be hosted by Prof. Dr. Konstanze Schütze (Karlsruhe University of Education) together with PD. Dr. Martina Leeker (Universität zu Köln), Prof. Dr. Nishant Shah (Chinese University Hong Kong) as part of the lecture series Kunstpädagogische Positionen in collaboration with University of Cologne. The event will take place in Karlsruhe (ZIM Studio) and will be streamed via ZoomAnmeldung zum Livestream bei Jana Wodicka unter jana.wodicka(at)ph-karlsruhe.de. Guests are welcome.